Initial research pathway

 Description of Open Bionics Hero arm.

  1. Ee Chong watched a YouTube documentary about Open Bionics and their Hero Arm prosthetic

  2. Weng Yew’s initial idea was PUB’s water filtration system

  3. The duo settled on researching the Hero Arm

  4. The duo used ChatGPT with the prompt “Could you tell me more about the “Hero Arm” prosthetic made by the company Open Bionics”

  5. After getting some rough information from ChatGPT, the duo used Google Scholar to research more about bionic prosthetics and how they work

  6. The duo found several articles and documents about prosthetics

  7. The duo started looking up designs patented by Open Bionics to have a better technical understanding of how their products work. 

  8. The duo wrote down the various features and functions found on the Open Bionic’s website and chatGPT to Google Docs folder

  9. The duo discussed the applications of the Hero Arm, as well as its limitations


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